If no one guesses the exact score we will give away a FREE One-Time Clean-Up to the person who has guessed the closest to the final score.
You can only enter the contest one (1) time and if we have two people that pick the exact same score the one who posted it first will be declared the winner. You must post your score on this topic on the TDHI Facebook page, if the score is posted anywhere else it will be voided.
This contest will run from January 26, 2016 until February 7, 2015, one hour before kickoff. It is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. Current, former or new cliets are elgible to win. The prize won (only one prize will be awarded) will be awarded to one person in SE Wyoming, a current area that TDHI services.
TDHI reserves the right to amend the rules of this contest as we see fit without notice.
Link to The Doo House Inc. FB page: https://www.facebook.com/TheDooHouse/