1. No, we do not offer services that are not related to animals when it comes to our residential clients. We believe if we are working around you animals we should give it 110% and that is what we do. We will leave the trash picking up, snow shoveling, general cleaning or anything else not related to pets to someone else. We hope that they specialize in what they do like we specialize in what we do.
How long should a scooper spend cleaning a yard?
2. There is no set time that a scooper should be in a yard. Most scoopers can get 4 to 7 yards done in an hour, which is dependent on a lot of factors. If a scooper is in and out of your yard in a minute or two then they probably are not doing the best job they can and that is one thing you do not need when you hire a scooper.
Is The Doo House Inc. looking to do any further expansion in Wyoming or other states?
3. We are always open to the idea of expanding but we are slow to do so. Expansion is not something you do overnight. If we see a need we will look into it but we will not just jump at doing it. As for other states, never-say-never but we are Wyoming’s Premier Pet Waste Removal Company and are proud to be a Wyoming based business.